Friday, April 23, 2010

Yes, I am a Karaoke Fiend

Last night at Rick's Karaoke night at Alligator Lounge was super duper fun and full of people making out all over the place! Rick is by far one of my favorite dudes to hang out with. Beers flowing, pizza could you not have a good time? The night was almost a blow out when I decided it would be a grand idea to listen to my ipod while I was going to the bathroom. I don't know if you've ever used the women's bathroom at Alligator, but they are teeny tiny and the doors don't lock; sometimes the doors aren't even there. I do my business and then am trying to get out of the stall, when I ram into the wall and my ipod flies right out of my hand right into the freaking toilet. Of course the thought crossed my mind prior to it actually happening, but I was feeling good and boozy and didn't listen to myself. Thankfully, they have those awesome hand dryers called the Excelerator, or my ipod probably wouldn't be working. My cell phones and ipods love going into the freaking toilet...hmm...maybe I'm trying to tell myself to get rid of them? Screw that!

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