Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kick Ass-Movie Review

I went to the 10:40pm showing of Kick Ass at the Chelsea Clearview Cinemas after work last night. I figured I should go see a movie instead of going to a bar and getting smashed since I had to be at work so freaking early. Pat on the back for making the better choice. I had my doubts and didn't really feel like seeing anything else. Rotten tomatoes gave it a 78%, so I thought it couldn't be that bad. All in all, I gotta say that I was not disappointed. The story was a bit stale and lacking for the most part, but the action sequences were just incredible! When I saw that Nicolas Cage was in it, I was like this movie HAS to suck, but NO he was freaking awesome! Well done Cage, well done! This movie has some excellent gore and violence. The cursing seemed a bit misplaced, but still it's always funny when a 12 year old girl says stuff like fuck and douchebag. There is also a moment when I literally jumped out of my seat and said out loud, "what in the?!". It's rare that I cringe during a movie these days and I gotta give props when I do. This is more of a movie to watch at home, but I'd recommend to see it with friends definitely.

1 comment:

  1. i typically hate Nickolas Cage, but i agree, he did a great job in this movie.
