Thursday, April 29, 2010

All Smiles

Ever wish for something to happen and then it ends up happening?
Holy Crap! Boy am I all smiles today! It's been a great day!
Lunch with Cristalle was absolutley wonderful and I had such a great time sitting in the park, eating Shake Shack. Beautiful day! I barely slept last night.....drank way too much again. Which I'm sure I'll do again tonight even though I keep telling myself that I shouldn't. For right now, whatever.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Current weather matches my current mood

Cold, rain. My insides feel cold and smothered by stinging rain. No, I am not okay. What kind of question is that when you all ready know the answer? Asking me that isn't going to flip on a switch inside my brain to re-program what I'm feeling these days. I swear, if I didn't have music play such a huge role in my life I'm pretty sure I'd be in a much darker place and have hit rock bottom by now. Thank you for always being there when I needed to keep my head straight and to understand the aching in my heart. Thank you for pulling my ass out of bed in the morning to go to work and not waste the entire day feeling sorry for myself. Everyone has their shit. Everyone has their own misery. Are any of us REALLY okay? For only moments I think that might be true. Generally speaking, I'm in a pretty good mood most of the time. There are so many little things that crack me up and make me smile. I'm not ashamed of being called the crazy-cat lady at work. I like cats, maybe a bit more than most people, but I don't care. I like what I like and those are the things that keep me sane throughout the day. I never understood why people like to make fun of other people for liking stuff that they didn't? What's the big freaking deal? So, I'm a big nerd? I'm happy with that. Maybe YOU shouldn't be so uptight and then maybe YOU might not be such a prick? People are weird. Whatever.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

These are going in my face!

Holy Crap! One of my co-workers brought this shit to me the other day and they are just fucking incredible! Dammit Cheetos! Why are you so good?!

I could listen to James speak for hours. He is highly entertaining. Everytime I watch one of his videos it makes me want to drink a whole bunch of Rolling Rock.

Aaron Johnson

This is the guy that plays Kick Ass. He is just gorgeous and I wanted to post a picture of him to share with you. I'm going to be following this one. Serioulsy, me and him need to have children together.

Kick Ass-Movie Review

I went to the 10:40pm showing of Kick Ass at the Chelsea Clearview Cinemas after work last night. I figured I should go see a movie instead of going to a bar and getting smashed since I had to be at work so freaking early. Pat on the back for making the better choice. I had my doubts and didn't really feel like seeing anything else. Rotten tomatoes gave it a 78%, so I thought it couldn't be that bad. All in all, I gotta say that I was not disappointed. The story was a bit stale and lacking for the most part, but the action sequences were just incredible! When I saw that Nicolas Cage was in it, I was like this movie HAS to suck, but NO he was freaking awesome! Well done Cage, well done! This movie has some excellent gore and violence. The cursing seemed a bit misplaced, but still it's always funny when a 12 year old girl says stuff like fuck and douchebag. There is also a moment when I literally jumped out of my seat and said out loud, "what in the?!". It's rare that I cringe during a movie these days and I gotta give props when I do. This is more of a movie to watch at home, but I'd recommend to see it with friends definitely.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I discovered this band from recently watching the movie Some Kind Of Wonderful.

I can not stop listening to the is INCREDIBLE!

Yes, I am a Karaoke Fiend

Last night at Rick's Karaoke night at Alligator Lounge was super duper fun and full of people making out all over the place! Rick is by far one of my favorite dudes to hang out with. Beers flowing, pizza could you not have a good time? The night was almost a blow out when I decided it would be a grand idea to listen to my ipod while I was going to the bathroom. I don't know if you've ever used the women's bathroom at Alligator, but they are teeny tiny and the doors don't lock; sometimes the doors aren't even there. I do my business and then am trying to get out of the stall, when I ram into the wall and my ipod flies right out of my hand right into the freaking toilet. Of course the thought crossed my mind prior to it actually happening, but I was feeling good and boozy and didn't listen to myself. Thankfully, they have those awesome hand dryers called the Excelerator, or my ipod probably wouldn't be working. My cell phones and ipods love going into the freaking toilet...hmm...maybe I'm trying to tell myself to get rid of them? Screw that!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

You Need An Outlet

Someone dear to me said that sentence to me yesterday and it really hits me hard. That same person also screamed the following at me when we were in the middle of a major fight,"You don't DO anything!".
It made me so upset, because that person is right. I have no creative outlet present in my life right now and haven't for a very long time. My outlet has been one of destruction and devastation: drink until nothing matters anymore and then end up hurting the ones that I love the most by scaring the shit out of them in drunken rages. Whittle them down until even the mere thought of me brings only pure disgust and hatred. Where does all of this pain come from? Why am I allowing myself to deteriorate?